How to play
Replay Rewards

Replay rewards give a percentage back of the amount you played. This amount is given as replay. The board here on the example picture gives 10% over all you played in a 24 hours period (and then starts a new 24 hours period)

You can simply click the board to cash out your earnings.  When clicked the board also will tell you how high the reward is you built up so far. E.g. play a game costing L$100, then this board will inform you you built up L$8 so far.

If you play games of L$1 or L$5 or so, no worries, it counts decimals, only being rounded at the end.

At the end of the round the replay is added to your account at the Game Credit Account Manager. Replay is just another word for Game Credits. When you have Game Credits, play a game and the credits will be used to refund you.

E.g. you got L$57 worth of credits and play a game costing L$50, then you will be refunded L$50 and keep 7 credits, if then you play again a game costing L$50, you receive L$7 as refund and you run out of credits.

Replay is paid after the game is finished. You'll receive a message telling you how much you were paid and how much credits you have remaining.

No worries about expiring credits, at my places they remain valid for a month.

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