How to play
Pizza Party

Pizza Party is a fast 4x4 board game. It is all about...Pizza.

You match numbers or use wilds to score points and reveal hidden bonuses. Use the Pizza Cutter to collect these bonusses. There is a Pizza Party bonus hidden somewhere at the board, find it, collect it and score a lot of points.

Pizza Cutters, those knives turning your pizza into slices, don't do as I did: Throwing it with the pizza box. But that is RL, in SL you get plenty of knives each game again.
Let's do some theory first:
Each time you match a square you get 100 points, when you complete a line (horizontal, vertical or diagonal) it is 1000 points and if you manage to clear the board it is 10000. With 16 squares, 10 lines (4 vertical, 4 horizontal, 2 diagonal) the total score you can get from this is: 21,600.

The rest of your points will have to come from the bonuses.

Matching a number can show a bonus. It can be any bonus out of this range:
100, 200, 500, 1000, 2500, 5000, 10000,
2x, 1 Spin, 2 Spin, Pizza Party.

Once collected the Pizza Party, it will give one of those 4 bonuses:
2x, 3x, 15,000, 20,000.
It will also give you a chance on the Supreme Pizza Achievement.

Diagonals, my friend...Diagonals!

Each number you match is on both a vertical and a horizontal line. It helps in the completion of 2 lines. Numbers that are also on the diagonals are on 3 lines: Horizontal, vertical and diagonal. When there is no good reason to not play a wild on a diagonal: Play it on the damn diagonal!!

It is only a chance on a 1000 points extra which you would throw out of the window by not listening to this advice, but a chance that comes back each game. You'll win more games by regarding those diagonals.
Let's just start a game: Click and pay it.

On this game I can choose to play L$10, 20, 30 or 40 and I need to beat the score of 33899 in order to win twice that amount back.

As always on a new game: It is beneficial for me if you start trying it out on the high rollers, but be wise and realize your first games you need to get the thrill, learn the few things there are to learn: Start with cheaper games!

I pay the thing L$10 and a game will start.

The game starts with round 1, a score of 0, a board and the spinner of the first round.

On that spinner I see I can match the numbers 13, 29 and 40. The left-most column has a Pizza Cutter. A Pizza Cutter is used to collect a bonus, if any revealed on the same column. Currently there is no bonus revealed and thus it is useless.

I match the 13, 29 and 40, giving me each 100 points, then I could click the spinner in order to move to the next round. 

But let's first inspect how the board looks after these 3 clicks.

Matching 29 revealed a 1000 points bonus, the other two numbers revealed arrows.

The arrow in the 2nd column points to the right, meaning that the Pizza Party bonus is in a column to the right of it. The arrow in the 4th column points to the 4th column itself, meaning that the Pizza Party bonus is in that 4th column.

In this game you should always match any number you have the chance on matching, also on the 4th column, thus it is not really needed to pay attention to this. The pizza party bonus is in the 4th column, so what?

It is not entirely useless to know where the Pizza Party Bonus is:
  • When doubting between collecting extra rounds or points, knowledge about how many numbers are still not matched in the column where the Pizza Party bonus is could be useful to make a wise decision.
  • When you manage to almost complete the board, you don't want to fully complete it before it is a win as the game ends after completing a board, thus  it is best to make sure the pizza party bonus is not under the last unmatched field on the board.
Now I click the spinner and go to the next round.

I have 300 points (3 numbers matched) and I see the arrows being hidden again. If I didn't watch those arrows I would not know the Pizza Party bonus is in the 4th column.

This round I get the number 7 to match and 2 wilds, where I can choose to match a number in the same column.

Of course I match those 2 wilds on 14 and 21. These are on diagonals, and the combination makes I get 2 lines with already 3 numbers matched. I could have also chosen e.g. 11 and 30 but why would I not make the best choice?

It are these small decisions that make that some players win a lot more than others. Make them right! It is pretty simple: Diagonals matter!

After using all my wisdom to select the best numbers to match, I click the spinner, on to round number 3!

I like the bonuses revealed, so far. When on any of the first 3 columns a Pizza Cutter will appear on the spinner, it will be a nice amount of points.

This round I got 30 to match and a wild. The wild is on the column where the Pizza Party bonus is, but I have no information on which of the 3 fields in that column.

With my diagonal-fetish, be sure I play that wild on 38!

That is what I do this round: Play 30 and 38, then click the spinner to see what round 4 will bring.
This round brings the number 11 to be matched, and two pizza cutters.

With the pizza cutter I can collect a bonus in the same column. Since each column has only one bonus available, I don't have to spend much time doubting which one to collect.

Otherwise logic dictates I would have taken the highest. However if the Pizza Party bonus, x2 or extra spins are involved it is not always clear which one is the highest.

x2 doubles the score at that moment, the pizza party bonus could also give a x2 or x3, so it is beneficial to take them as late in the game as possible. If that is not in the round one has a pizza cutter on the corresponding column, this of course brings a risk.

Extra spins could deliver a lot of profit, or none at all...

Anyways, I click 11, the 5000 and the 1000, the order doesn't matter as no x2 or Pizza Party bonus is involved, and I see my score explode! From 800 up to 6900 at once!

Up to the next round.
The 5th round brings 2 wilds I should carefully place, another pizza cutter and an useless 8.

With the pizza cutter I can choose between 2500 points or 500 points. There is no reason, ever, to satisfy with 500. I go for the 2500. Don't let the option that you can get a 2x confuse you in this. 2x doubles your score, not as in some other games all scores received after revealing the 2x.

Thus, that is a no-brainer: 2500.

The first wild is an e asy choice too, I can only choose 26 to match. So let me do that, this will also complete a vertical line, giving a nice 1000 points extra.

The second wild gives a choice: 33 or 34. I know one of both hold the Pizza Party bonus, but I don't know which one. 33 is the best choice, it completes a horizontal line, giving 1000 points, and the odds 33 has the Pizza Party bonus are equal to that of 34.

Thus: I click the 2500, 26 and 33, and then the spinner to go to the next round.
Noticing that completing a few lines and collecting a bonus did do good to my score, I see that the next round brings me 2 matches: 12 and 34.

The pizza cutter is useless as there is no bonus to collect in the column it is in. I would love a pizza cutter in the 3rd column where a delightful 10,000 points is waiting. Perhaps it will come, in one of the next rounds.

Matching the 34 will reveal the Pizza Party bonus. I would have matched it anyways, but it is a nice extra. I will have 2 columns with a nice fat bonus waiting for me.

Ok, thus...12 and 34 (in whatever order I choose, it doesn't matter) and then on to the next round.
Great, so now I got the Pizza Party bonus revealed. Let's hope I can also collect it in one of the following round. It won't be in this round, round 7.

Not that this will be a bad round, matching 1 will make 2 lines and thus giving 100+1000+1000=2100 points and with the pizza cutter I can take 5000.

Really, there is never a reason to take anything else than the highest value. Only extra spins or 2x can make you doubt, if these are not involved: Go for the highest value. Always.

Yes, always.

I click the 1 and the 5000 and with a score over 20K will go to the next round.

Nothing to choose this round: I can match the 2 and collect the 500.

With still 2 rounds to go, I can have good hope on being able to collect the 4 later on. That will give enough points to win the game. Only the 10K will not, the Pizza Party bonus would.

The situation is quite hopeful, let's just do the 2 and the 500 and go on to the next round. A 4 in the first column or a pizza cutter in the last and it is a win. If not, then there is one more round!

One more thing about that 4: Clearing the board will end the game, that is one of the rules of the game. In this example it would be with a win, but be cautious about it. When clearing the board would not give you enough points to win the game (and there are still rounds left) : DO NOT CLEAR IT!
Two pizza cutters this round, one being an easy choice, of course we take the 10,000 points! Of course!

But the other one, 1000 points or an extra spin?

Extra spin sounds attractive, we'll end up having 2 more rounds to play instead of one. Twice as much chance on a 4, or a pizza cutter on the last column.

But look at our score: 23,500.
Collecting the 10,000 will make it 33,500
Collecting the 1,000 to will set our scoure at 34,500.

34,500 is enough to win the game, not a spectacular win, but a win. Thus, my choice is between a chance of winning - perhaps with a lot of points - or a sure win. In both cases I receive L$20, but with the chance of winning there is also a possibility of receiving nothing.

I want to win, win, WIN, WIN and thus go for the 10,000 plus 1,000.

Congrats Morenda, another game won. Let's see what the last round brings.

This round brings the combination of a useless pizza cutter and one that is by far the best: The one on the 4th column: I'll collect the Pizza Party bonus.

The Pizza Party bonus is a surprise, but it is either 15,000 pints, 20,000 points, doubling my score or trippeling my score.

In either case I'll end with a very nice score. Not that it matters for my win, I already have enough points, but for contests boards or for my happy feeling a big win is always nicer than a win by a few 100 points.

I'll click the party thing and on one more time the spiner to end the game, and receive my winnings.
Ok, it was the 2x...doubling my points. The second best possibility out of 4. But what do I care: I WON!

That simple it is, playing Pizza Party. It is an exciting game, goes fast and is fun.

One more thing:
Collecting the Pizza Party bonus could also have given me the Supreme Pizza Achievement. It is a pot, building up until someone wins it. You can see on the board near the games how high that pot is. Be happy when you win it.

Where to play?

Click a link to teleport directly to the Pizza Party game machines.

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