Gladiator Games
Gladiator Games, the place with contests that pay a small fortune, up to a million per session.

Gladiators come here to battle for the largest prizes on the contests. Each game you play, you battle for two contests at once, a normal "cumulative relative contest" where you play against others playing the same game and and a "one game = one point" contest where you play against others playing the same amount (but possible a different game).

There is replay, every 5 hours, and of course Jumgla.

Be ready to battle and step in the arena of Gladiator Games.

The cumulative contests

All games are connected to cumulative proportional contests. It are these contests that make Gladiator Games special, these pots are worth fighting for.
After you play a game, the relative score you reached is added to your total on the contest. The ones with the highest score at the end of the contest win.

Relative score = Your score corrected for the buy in amount. If you reach e.g. 30,000 points playing a L$1000 game on a contest where the maximum amount is L$3000 then your relative score is 1/3 of your points = 10,000, because you played 1/3 of the maximum amount. (This might be a fact that is handy to know as all relative contests in SL work on this way.)

The 1 game - 1 point contests

For each amount you can play at Gladiator games (ranging from L$50 to L$20,000) there is a 1 game - 1 point contest.

The rules are super simple: For each game played you get a point. At the end of the contest, the 5 players who played the most will win the prizes.

The contest ends when the number of games needed is reached. This is set on 1000 games. The contest also displays how many games are already played. Since every game played is 1 point you easily see how sure is your spot on the contest and if you can still pass the one above you.

Use that knowledge. Others do!

Battling for these contests goes a lot more easy with a generous replay. Gladiator Games gives 6% replay, every 5 hours. Replay that stays valid for a whole month, so you are never rushed to use it.

Click the replay board to see how much replay you built up so far, this period. Click the game credits account manager, also placed in the arena to see how many replay you have left.

You collect replay by playing games. When you have credits they'll be used to refund you when the game is over.
Jumgla contest
The Jumgla contest is multi region. Every 5 minutes someone playing in the regions of our continent wins L$200.

Each time you play a game costing L$100 or more, Jumgla calculates you a Jumgla score. The one with the highest Jumgla score at the end of the round wins. You can read all about how this is calculated here. Jumgla is a skill-feature, examine how it works and you could benefit.

It is not enough to simple score as high as you can. When you game ends with only 5,000 points, your Jumgla score might be still a lot higher than one who just made 100,000 points.

Jumgla is here as our appreciation for you playing at our places. That deserves a little extra, doesn't it? When you win the Jumgla contest, it sends you the L$. Nothing special you should do to get it. But that is of course no more than you expect at our places.

Plenty of space
The games are placed on the staging around the arena in a spacious design maximizing the space available for the players so you don't feel locked in between those big machines. There are chairs and counches everywhere. Sure, avatars can stand all day in the cold without consequences, but a little comfort and space doesn't hurt.

Besides various multipliers we also offer variable games, games where the higher your score, the more you win. Perhaps the ideal form of games when playing for cumulative contests.

And of course tadurs, the blue thing with wheels with a big risk to fall in love with once you start playing them.

Gladiator Games contains a selection of games. Where I try to offer a lot of variation over my my regions, some games simply are more popular than others. For games connected to large contests it might be better popular ones, as otherwise the contest could last for weeks. Thus you find only 8 different sort of games here.

Limiting the number of games of course also helped a lot in making a design possible as spacious as Gladiator Games is.

There is more to explore
The teleporter board brings you to the games, if you don't feel like walking but it also shows some other destinations. Below the arena is quite a building containing a club, a maze, a gym, baths, chess boards where you can play chess with a friend, a kids hang out, of course freeplay games and if you realy need: The exit.

The Maze is my favorite. It is one of the biggest mazes on the grid, self-changing, so every day it is different. See how fast you can find the exit.

Gladiator games is more than only game machines with giga-contests, come see for yourself. Below some pictures to get you in the mood.

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