Gate of Novelskalin
Nadya and Nikita, yeah she has my last name as her first name, are all with their heads in art and design. They made this gate, I scripted some particles in it. It gives a great effect when walking through it.

They were all excited about the effect.

If you are into modern design and understand as they do, that your pathways are not just traveling routes but experiences, then chances are you are excited too.

I am a nerd, so what do I know about design.

You can best check out the gate at their sim where it stands on the place it is designed for. And if you are into modern design and art, not a bad place anyways:

See the gate at Golana ,
and then buy it at my store for only L$244
Now, I must admit, not being an art lover, the ladies did a majestic thing with their place and the gate suits should be there. I sometimes even go have a look at it.

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