Devilish Dream
Devilish dream is offering a wide variety of games with the same fair scores you are used from me elsewhere but a different approach to rewards and contests.

There are  3 rewards at Devilish Dream:
- 10% replay
- 8% cash
- The multi region Jumgla contest

Thus on each game you play you get at least 18% back.

8% Cash rewards
Every 24 hours all players will receive an 8% cash reward over the total amount played during that 24 hours.

Click the Cash Reward board to collect your winning and to inspect how much you built up this period. You need to collect within the next 24 hours, but no worries: If you don't make it, the amount won't be lost but added to your credits at the Game Credits Account manager

 10% Replay

Above the 8% cash, you will also receive 10% replay. Replay is used to pay you back when you play a game. Click the replay board to see how much replay you built up so far during this round.

Once you win replay, it will be added to the Game Credits Account manager.

Game Credits Account Manager
Click the Game Credits Account manager to see how many credits (replay) you have. These credits will be used to repay you after you play a game in the region.

Credits expire after not being used for a while. At my regions I don't want you to have to worry about this, thus that while is set very long: 30 days. And, if you come back within that 30 days and play a single game: Another 30 days!
Jumgla contest
The Jumgla contest is multi region. Every 5 minutes someone playing in the regions of our continent wins L$200.

Each time you play a game costing L$100 or more, Jumgla calculates you a Jumgla score. The one with the highest Jumgla score at the end of the round wins. You can read all about how this is calculated here. Jumgla is a skill-feature, examine how it works and you could benefit.

It is not enough to simple score as high as you can. When you game ends with only 5,000 points, your Jumgla score might be still a lot higher than one who just made 100,000 points.

Jumgla is here as our appreciation for you playing at our places. That deserves a little extra, doesn't it? When you win the Jumgla contest, it sends you the L$. Nothing special you should do to get it. But that is of course no more than you expect at our places.

Devilish Dream has a variety of games. Click any of the game in the  list shown here to the right to get a manual.

It is not hard but playing as a pro requires some effort from you. These manuals can help.

Remember that all games are connected to the same generous 18% rewards, so feel free to try out a new game without worrying about contests and such.

In the early days of the skill gaming policy there weren't many different game machines available. I had Game Station and Cleopatra games and a desire to built a new, different, third place.

The place was designed as a dream world, a world dreamt by the Devil. Or, from the Devil's point of view, a nightmare about a world with No Devil. Because that was Devilish Dream, founded in March 2016, a region filled with No Devil machines, in a fantastic envorinment.

While years passed, more and more game machines became available, so at february 2021, just before its 5th birthday, Devilish Dream got an update. 

Many games
No Devil is still the most popular game in Second Life but fantastic new games are challenging its position. We designed the new Devilish Dream to be a mirror of this situation. You can play 14 different games here, no place in Second Life except the neighboring Low Score Tower has so many different games.

At the picture you see a newer game, Clover4, standing side-to-side with a much earlier released game, Spin2Pot. Sure, Devilish Dream has a lot of No Devil, but also tons of other games.

You can play what you want, all games count the same for the rewards, and you don't have to worry about contests. You felt like playing No Devil yesterday, today Fire and perhaps tomorrow Pico Line, then so you do.

Not only games
All my regions are designed as more than just a gaming place. Sure, you come here to play, but that doesn't mean the places has to be a cold feeling box-shaped construction somewhere with nothing but game machines.

Playing at Devilish Dream is as a night out, at a place that looks good, and feels good, plenty of places to sit or to give your spouse a cuddle.

Feel free to explore, all is accessible.
Some have their private homes in SL, I don't. But with the gaming regions I do have a lot of land. I put quite a few things that I find pretty, each region with a different theme or things I like to have, as the anti-gravity machine or the trampoline.

It might sound silly, but it makes me feel good, walking around here. I hope you feel well here too.

With the games we try different things too, Devlish Dream has a lot of Tadur games and variables and besides X2, X3, and so on also some of the higher multipliers as X30 and X50.
All my regions are generous to the players. The scores are low compared to other places and the rewards are high. With this scores the 18% plus Jumgla that Devlish Dream gives are awesome.

Sure, I make a profit on these games, I have to, the costs needs to be paid. With so many players on so many regions, I can compete with very low margins. 18% is a lot and the scores are attractive too.

This works well for me. Many who discovered my places stay loyal. I try to offer different concepts on each place, so you have a lot to choose from.

Not interested in having to watch all those contests and rewards? Then Devilish Dream is the place for you. Simply play, ignore the boards, and still you'll receive always exactly the same percentage as anyone else. A percentage that is elsewhere regarded as utterly high.

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