SN Teleporter Board
Morenda asked for a professional teleporter board, easy to configure, easy to copy, easy to copy/paste modifications from the one board to the other, resizable, linkable to other builds, a feature to communicate with other devices and above all, low on lag.

The SN teleporter board is all this, providing the technology making it for the region owner or -developer a pleasure to texture it and to place an impressive good looking board at the entrance.

The SN teleporter board can handle teleports inside the region, but also (Map) teleports anywhere in the grid. It can also send visitors to webpages.
The SN Teleporter board provides the technology, a robust and very functional low-lag teleporting system. You will have to do the creativity, create nice textures to be placed on the boards. I provide some examples, but it is your creativity that makes your place looks nice.

You can scale textures, set the offset and animate textures. All that is defined in the configuration notecard, so once it is done you can copy your work to as many teleporters as you like.

The board itself is copyable, place as many of them as you feel fit, where you feel fit.
You define all telepoters in the configuration notecard. Giving it a place on the board, texturing it and defining its location. After saving the notecard, the board will reset and process your definitions. You don’t have to rezz teleporter boards yourself, this will be done for you.

You can rotate the board in each possible position, the board will rezz the teleporters, nicely aligned, taking into consideration the rotations.
In the configuration notecard you define the width and height of the board, in meters. You also define the base size of a single teleporter plate, again in meters. The base teleporter is always a square, however you can define a teleporter to have e.g. twice the base width and once the base height, then it is a rectangle.

Now you can play with various sizes, also for e.g. headers and footers.

When resizing a board, you adjust the size and width of the board itself and the platesize. That’s all. Handy, e.g. for having a big board at the entrance and smaller boards spread over your region.
This setup of a SN teleporter board is in use at the region “GameStation”, the flashing header (with an animated texture) is also included in the package when purchasing the SN Teleporter Board. The region holds various skill games, each with a logo, some square, others rectangles of various widths.

By using a small base size and then defining all teleporters with a width and height related to the texture all boards look good, with the texture having its correct dimensions.
At Devilish Dream Morenda made a setup in style for that region. All textures have the same rather busy background, her clients don’t have to zoom deep into the teleporter to read what the destination is due to the large graphics.
Lora’s teleporter board at Freebie galaxy. Freebie galaxy has 17 floors, the 17 floor teleporters are all placed on one texture, using scale and offset she has a low-lag fast loading display of all 17 teleporters. She uses headers to divide the board in sections.

Get your own?
You can find the SN Teleporter Board inworld at my store

You see two live examples of the board in action at my store, both are also included in the package.

You can purchase your own copyable SN Teleporter Board for L$949.


1. Rezz the thing

Just rezz the "SN Teleporter Board" somewhere. It doesn't really matter where, you can place it on its final location when done configuring it.

All aspects of the board are defined by its settingsnotecard, you can copy that in inventory, place a new board elsewhere and drop in the notecard.

2. Edit the settings notecard.

You configure the entire teleporter board with the settings notecard. "SN Teleporter Board Setup" that you find inside the board itself.

It is all copyable, so feel free to experiment a bit.

There is a lot of text in the setup notecard explaining the various options.

The first things you might want to configure are the dimensions of the board, the width and height of the board in meters and related to this: The size of a teleporter plate.

An example:
Width = 5
Height = 2.5

Thus on this board will fit 10 teleporters in the width and 5 in the height.

However, it is good practice to keep the platesize smaller than the actual size the teleporters will have, you can define each teleporter to have a widht and a height of 2, thus 2 times the plate size.

This way you can define e.g. header and footer bars, being of a height of only 1 (time the plate size).

You could of course vary in this, making boards with a hight and width of 4, makes that you can define headers and footers of ony 1/4'th of the plate size.

There are a bunch of other options that are quite self explainable.

3 Define teleporters

A teleporter definition looks like this:

    Name=SN Security
    Description=SN Security - protect your region

It has an X and Z position in numbers of plates. So this start at the 6th plate of the left, and the 4th plate from above. It is one plate width and 1 plate high.

The destination can be one of the following:
* Teleporting to another region: #,RegionName,Location e.g. #,Lumoca,<80,11,22>

* Teleporting inside the region: Use 2 vectors, a destination and a look at,
    e.g. <300,300,12>,<302,302,14>
    The lookat vector is optional, so this is also good: <300,300,12>

* Opening a website: Anything starting with http  E.g.

* Doing nothing, an @
   This is usufull for for e.g. header bars.

4. Save the notecard

Your board will now start configuring itself.
You continue adding teleporters, finetuning things, until it looks perfect the way you want it.

5. Textures rule

Live yourself out on the textures for your teleporters.  You can add them by referring to the texture UUID in the settings notecard. You can use all the SL textture animations and you can scale your textures.

As you can see in one of the demo's that are delived with the SN Teleporter Board, scaling is also a handy too to reduce texture usage and thus reduce lag.

6. Menu

Click the board (try clicking the sides when you find it hard to reach the board due to all the teleporters in front of it) for a menu. It has 2 options:
- Reset
- Statistics

If ever removing a board, reset it first, then it automatically removes all teleporters. Much handier than clicking and deleting them all yourself.

The stats show a simple overview of the number of clicks per teleport.

7. Link to other devices

You can definie an OutputMessageChannel, this sends everytime a user clicks a teleporter a message containing the name of that teleporter and the avatar key of that user. Other scripts can intercept this message (sent using llRegionSay) and perform an action accordingly.

8. More info

Al features are explained in the setup notecard,
you might also want to examine the included demos.


You can define a LookAt vector, that is where the avatar will be looking at after the teleport. However, my suggestion is to ignore this feature.

For teleports amongst regions Linden Labs just does not support LookAt, it won't work. The LookAt parameter is ignored by the server.

For teleports inside the region I tried to trick things as much as possible but on most viewers the resident teleporting will not end up looking at the lookat target.

It is not possible to do this better due to the limitations of SL, when unsitting the camera focus moves back to what it was before sitting. By moving the teleport with a detour and deleting (and re-rezzing) the teleporter it still gives the desired effect, in some cases, but far from all.

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