How to play
Turbo Jackpot
At Game Station and the Factory you find our Turbo Jackpots. All machines of a game title are connected to the turbo jackpot. (There is no minimum amount to play!)

Who gets the highest score in the period wins the prize. This is paid direct to the winner.

The turbo jackpot pays out as soon as 3 conditions are met.
  • Time. The time period must have passed. As you see in the example above, 30 minutes are needed, there are still 21 minutes and 12 seconds to go.
  • Games. In the example above, 30 games need to be played, there are still 22 games left.
  • Score. At least one game needs to be higher than the given score. In the example above this condition is already met.
Once a condition is met it is displayed as "Reached!" and will stay reached. As soon as all 3 are reached, the jackpot will pay out.

This is a turbo jackpot, the time, games and score needed are all set very modest. Typically it pays many times a day, upto 48 times a day on a popular game title and about every 30 games on a not so much played title.

It is simple: When all 3 conditions are met, the Turbo Jackpot pays to whoever is the leader at that moment.
PS: As always on my places: You do not have to be in the sim, wear a group tag or comply to anything, just win and you'll be paid. Payment goes automatically.

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