SN Security is a device intended for land owners. You protect your land against unwanted visitors, visitors who cause lag by attaching way too much to their avatar and visitors with crash and griefer tools.
SN Security scans all your visitors and acts on those who do not comply to the limits you defined. Avatars which are too complex, have too many prims, come with an immense render weight, and so on.
You define what happens with those in violation: A warning? The device warning you? Or kick them out.
When kicked out, they are teleported home and banned for 3 minutes. The ban is needed in order to avoid griefers from teleporting back in within seconds.
SN Security scans all your visitors, during their entire visit. You can whitelist people you trust, all others have to be within the limits you specify. If not, SN Security can send them a warning, send you a warning and/or eject the avatar. An ejected avatar will be automatically banned from your parcel for 3 minutes. The avatar does get a message about why he is ejected. He can adjust himself and safely return.
You reduce lag and you protect your visitors and your business from bad guys with bad tools.
SN Security itself is a single script which scans the present avatars. It consumes little resources of your region.
The script takes fluctuations caused by the server, in e.g. script time, into consideration before acting on your visitors. When someone is kicked out it is pretty sure that this is not by mistake.
You can use the logs of SN Security to determine who might be the visitors you have to keep an extra eye on.
You can configure SN Security in great detail. When only fighting griefers you might configure it allowing more prims, more render weight, more scripts etc, when also fighting lag you can reduce these settings keeping also these avatars out that mean no harm, but cause it nevertheless.
The config notecard contains all explanation you need in order to set up SN Security to fit your situation.
Protect your land, keep your visitors safe and reduce avatar-caused lag with SN Security. Simple, easy and you stay in control!
Rezz SN Security anywhere on your land. It really doesn't matter where, just take a spot that is comfortable for you.
Edit the configuration notecard to your likings.
And there you are....SN Security is up and running.
You can click the device every once and a while to retrieve a list of last removed avatars.
You can fine tune the notecard, make some limits more strickt, loosen others when you find it needed. Save the notecard and the new changes will apply.
You can add or remove avatars from the Whitelist, within the notecard.
After saving the notecard, see if it is accepted. You will be messaged in local chat once te device is up and running, or when it finds an error in your configuration.
If there is an error the device turns red and shows the error text above itself.
THE CONFIGURATION Each of the limits you can set is explained in the configuration notecard.
I want to point at two specific settings: IMOwner = TRUE EjectAvatar = FALSE
-- By default IMOwner is set to TRUE, so you will receive a message when an offending avatar is detected. However by default EjectAvatar is set to FALSE, so the avatar can just freely stay in your region and won't be bothered.
To actually activate SN Security you will have to set EjectAvatar to TRUE.
CHANGING PARAMETERS For most regions the default parameters are pretty nice ones. Perhaps even rather strict.
Depending on your region you could set limits a bit higher (allowing more) or lower (allowing less). If it ain't very crowded, why bother ejecting avatars that are still somewhat in the normal? If it is very crowded, why allowing these complex avatars that take place for 5 to 10 others?
Very fashionable avatars might use a lot of prims and complexity. But...very high RenderWeights are also used by griefers. Feel free to set the renderweight heigher, but keep it at max 499 to keep the griefers out.
Role play regions might require more scripts.
And so on...
You can test your settings by setting IMOwner=TRUE en EjectAvatar=FALSE - you will be messeged if someone WOULD BE kicked. As soon as you are fine with it, set EjectAvatar=TRUE.
NOT PERFECT Some avatars are true hogs, consuming soo much resources for just standing there. Some others are plain blanc griefers, consuming soo much resources hoping to crash others.
SN Security helps you to strongly reduce the impact those people have on your land.
SN Security is somewhat rough, it might also kick out an avatar who only wears 2 shoes of 250 prims and some heavily primmed jewelry plus a color changing hair and a bloodlines hud. This avatar might cause not much damage in a furthermore quiet region. But does it really matter she'll have to go look fro some less lag causing shoes?
SN Security does not keep all bad people out but it definitly helps!!
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