At this game you get 5 minutes to score as much as you can. Or well..up to 5 minutes. The game ends if either of these situations occur:
You can't make any valid moves anymore,
You played for 5 minutes and thus run out of time.
During the game your score goes only one way: Up!
Your task: Score as much points as you can, or at least the points you need to win, before the game ends.
Before we get to the game itself, let's have a look at the base of the game. In the example shown here we see the game costs L$100, I can win L$300, thus the level is X3, and the score I need to reach to win that L$300 is 12299.
When I would pay the game I can choose out of 4 prices, all around L$100. If I pay e.g. L$150,. the amount to win will also adjust to L$450 (being 3x L$150)
There are arrows shown left and right of the price and that level. Click these arrows to select a different price or a different level. When you choose a different price, the amount to win will also be adjusted, when you choose a different level, both the amount to win and the goal (the score you need to beat to win) will be adjusted.
At next game you play, Five will again propose the configuration you choose, but you can also adjust it.
With Five you do not have to find another game machine when you want to play something different. Just click the arrows, and off you go. And, you can play what you choose on each machine. Not only one configuration.
The game itself is played on its 3x3 play board. Below that play board you see a spiner, consisting out of 5 numbers. If a number on the spiner is also on the play board (unmatched) you can click that number on the board to match it. From then on the tile is matched, and remain matched until it is part of a completed line.
When you do so, the number on the spiner will be replaced by a new number. Perhaps that new number is also unmatched on the board, perhaps it is not.
Matching the number gives you 55 points. If matching a number completes one or more lines on the board, that will be 155 points.
With a line we mean 3 tiles on the board next to each other, either horizontal, vertical or diagonal.
Completing a line
Completing a line gives more than the 100 extra points:
The numbers on the tiles where that line was will be replaced with new unmatched numbers.
One of the wheels will spin, giving you extra points.
The number on the spiner used for this match will, as is the case with every match, also be replaced. After completing a line there will be a guaranteed match, even more, after every 5th line, there will be a wild.
One by one
Since you get the 100 extra points per match that completes one or more lines, and you get for every such match a guaranteed next match, it is beneficial to complete lines one by one (thus not 2 or 3 lines with a single match). Surely the guaranteed next match is very helpful in your main objective during most of the game: Staying alive.
Remember, the game is over when you don't have anything to match left anymore.
A wild can be played anywhere on the board.
You get a wild at the start of the game, another one after you complete your first line, and then every 5th line you complete.
A good strategy is to not use your wilds unless really really needed. They are scare and can be a true life save.
When the game is finished, there is one extra bonus spin on one of the wheels. It starts automatically and could give you a nice amount of extra points.
The game lasts no longer than 5 minutes. It will stop, play the bonus round, and finish after that. Next to the play board you see a green gauge getting smaller as time passes. Time is up when it is totally done.
You do not have to wait for the outcome of wheel spins, you can just keep playing. This saves a lot of time and has a side advantage on the rewards that give a percentage over the score: Your score will be higher.
When you make your lines faster than the wheels spin, the spins will queue up. All spins remaining at the end of the game will be processed before the bonus spin comes and the game ends.
Let us play a game
On the picture you see a Five game machine. The previous player scored 17738, on its current X3 setting I need 12299 to win.
And yes, yes,
YES, I will win the game. Simply because I made the video, and would just have made a different one if some epic failure occurred. Actually, it did occur, I was recording the wrong window when playing the game leading to the 17738 score. But well, I just played another game.
Ok, nobody might find that interesting. Let's just start.
I click the game and choose to pay it L$25. I left both the price setting and the level setting untouched, so the game proposes 4 prices to play a X3 game.
10 seems to be the lowest amount to play on this configuration, but I go for 25.
The game starts instant after the payment. The five minute time limit is counting now.
I get a clean board, a clean spiner and a starting score of zero.
Each and every game you get a wild on the spiner and all 4 numbers shown on the starting spiner are matchable on the board.
With 4 matches and a wild, there is always some line to complete. E.g. 7 and 9, and then playing the wild on 10. Better would be to not need the wild, saving it for later.
I Start with clicking the 7 on the game board, it is now matched. That gives me the first 55 points and a new number on the spiner, a 6.
That 6 is for now useless, there is no 6 on the play board.
I still have 4 matches on the spiner left, and better make a line with these.
I match the 14, and again get 55 points, the 14 on the spiner gets replaced with a 4.
That 4 is nice, great actually. The center tile of the play board also has a 4, we can match it. Where some tiles are on 2 lines, others on 3 (the ones in the corner), this center tile is on 4 lines.
My strategy will be to save it, like I do with wilds, only play this match when needed.
The next match I choose is the 5. I had 4, Wild, 5 and 9 to choose from. 4 and Wild I want to keep for later, thus either 5 or 9 had to be clicked.
5 being slightly the better choice, it is not a corner field.
Clicking the 5 gives me an 8 on the spiner. Now I am already in a situation that I can make my first line without using the wild. (But with using the 4 on the center) Playing 4 and 8 would make that line.
It all looks going slow when reading about it click by click. In real I am just a few seconds playing and this entire game will last a little more than 1 1/2 minute. Some do last longer, it also depends on how much time one takes to think.
I match that 8, it gives me another field matched, 55 more points and a for now useless 7 on the spiner.
You might argue that the previous number of points is 165, and now it is 220...the difference being not 55. You are right, but that is because I took previous screenshot at a moment when not all of that 55 points already were counted.
In this stage of the game, it is anyways useless to bother about the score. It is still utterly too little. Just play, the score will count, up and up, first slow..then when the wheels start spinning ever faster.
Let's match the 9 now.
After matching the 9, I get a 12 on the spiner.
Matching that 12 will complete a horizontal line.
In all modesty, I did make a great first line. I preserved both the wild and the 4 which can match the central tile.
Let's just match the 12 and see what happens...
The numbers on the line I matched are replaced with 3 new numbers, one of them being 7 which was also on the spiner. The 12, used for the match, is replaced with a wild: First line always gives a wild.
A little above the 12 on the board you see a little circle. That is the queued wheel spin we get for the line match.
We don't have to wait for the wheel spin, I just keep on playing. I match that 7 of course...all other matchable tiles I like to preserve.
Maching the 7 gave a useless 1 on the spiner. Now I will have to use one of the numbers I preserved, either the 4 or a wild.
Some might find it tempting to place a wild on the 3, completing 2 lines and thus get also 2 wheel spins. Though, preserving the more valuable wilds and use the 4 instead is the way to go.
As a rule of thumb: Make lines 1 by 1, when you can. That gives more points and more guaranteed matches. After each match that completes a line one gets a guaranteed match, remember.
Thus I play 4, which completes the diagonal line.
The matched line gets again replaced, on the spiner I get a matchable 5.
You see two circles above the 12. There are 2 wheel spins queued now. I am playing rather fast.
Still preserving my wild, I play that 5.
Playing that 5 gave nothing on the spiner, so I'll have to use a wild. Clearly on the 3.
Note that the score made a little jump up, the first wheel spin completed.
After playing the 5, I get a 10. I play that too. With only one matchable number remaining on the spiner (and a wild) I just have to play that number, hope for a new matchable number on that spot and if it doesn't come play the wild to make a line.
There came one more matchable number, a five, I matched that too. And then a 11.
The 11 saves my wild, matching it will give a horizontal line. Let's play it and then perhaps the spiner will have more matches available to choose from.
Hmmm..only a 9.
Playing that 9 gave a 2 on the spiner, which was also playable and then I ended up in this situation.
I have to play the wild, and no matter where I play it it will complete a line. Which of the 4 options to play?
I guess 11 would be the best choise, leaving at the left side of the board a line that still needs only one match. 15 is the worst choice, it will clear most of the board, making 2 lines. I would make it harder to make a next line and with a score grown to only 3710..two lines will never be enough to win.
14 would do the same, but then leaving the bottom line with only one match needed.
Carefully analyzing the situation while writing this text I concluded 11 or 14 would be the best match with my wild. However, I seemed less careful when playing, I played the 3.
Not all mistakes are fatal..let's just hope for the best. I got a 7 to match, and then whatever number will be given on the spiner. If the number given on the spiner is not a match, it is game over.
A little luck can compensate wrong choices!!
I get 15, can match it to complete a line..and hope for some nice numbers.
The nice numbers didn't come )): Only a 1.
This was apparently already the 5th line after the first, so I do get a wild.
Let's just play the 1. If a new matchable number comes, play that and otherwise use the wild to play 14.
The 1 gave nothing usable, so I played the 14 as well. With another line replaced on the board and a new guaranteed match, I got at least 2 matches to make.
Let's match one of them and see.
I fast-forward a few matches to not make this story very long.
I come in a situation where I am still alive, got a 2 to match and that will make a diagonal line. Let's do that.
Another line completed, getting at least 2 matches out of it.
Let's play 11 and 13.
I find myself now in a situation where I can make a line with either playing 1 or playing 15.
I go for the 15.
A rather similar situation occurs. Play 1 and 3 and hope for the best.
Note that all the wheelspins did do their work and our score is getting somewhere in the direction of what it needs to be.
The highest reward the wheels can give is 35%. That would bring us on 11915. Still not enough, but rather close...a few times 55 points for a tile match would be enough.
After playing the 1, we get an already nicer image. 2 and 3 will make another line.
After making that line, we get this...
Grrr, iit would have been much better f there were also a 4,6 or 10 on the new generated tiles on the board.
Let's just play the 7 and 11 and see.
I get a 12. On the left side we see the last wheel spin I had queued giving 955 points, that will take me above 10,000 points, but I need more.
That 12 better gives something useful on the spiner.
It didn't!
The game is finished.
After each game there will be one bonus spin. It could be on the left wheel or right wheel...this time I see the right wheel spin.
With my score of 10,666 I need either the 25% or 35% to get above the goal of 12,299.
There we are !! I got 35%
I didn't play perfect, surely didn't have a lot of luck with the numbers I got, but at the end there was mercy for me. With a whopping 35%, this game is mine.
I receive my L$25 back tripled and conclude I am an awesome player.
We worked hard on making Five an exciting game. Now it is your turn, try it out! The first few games you play won't be your best, but it is an easy and fast game. You'll master it quick enough.
One more thing...
When you finish a game with still quite a few spins waiting to be dealt with, it can take some time before the game is really finished. During your wait, you see your score increase while spin after spin is dealt with.
You don't want to wait for all this? You just want to see the result and start the next game?
At the spiner a fast forward button appears: Click it!
Clicking this button will fast forward, still all wheel spins are processed but without animations. The game will be done within 1 or 2 seconds after you clicked the button.
Where to play?
Click a link to teleport directly to the Five game machines.
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