How to play
Clover 4, the green game machines where you hunt the best rewards, is an exciting game that does challenge your concentration. Play it wise and you'll often see that score go up, way up, and go up fast.

Each line has two rewards linked to it. At the start of the game you don't know which reward is linked to which line. This will change. When you match a number the first reward on each line that number is on is revealed, when you match a second number on the same line, the second reward is revealed.

When you complete a line, all numbers on that line are matched, then you win both rewards.
Bonus round
At the end of the game you play a bonus round. You can earn one more reward, which is one of the 7 highest rewards that you revealed but did not collect.

The bonus round shows all rewards except one as a question mark, one reward is revealed. Pick either that reward, then you know what you'll get, or pick one of the question marks.

It is not hard to know what is below the question marks, the 6 other of the highest rewards you revealed but did not collect.

The multiplier gained in the main game applies to the bonus round too. Thus, in the picture, the player can go for the 5K, which then gives him 5K x2 = 10K.

To make it easy for you, the game already shows how much points are needed to win. If the player takes the 5K, he will have more than needed and will win the game.

Each time you match a number you get 100 points, or 150 when that number is on the letter pattern. You complete the letter? or the entire board? 5000 point each.

When a clover appears on the spinner your score is increased with 5%.

Usually most of your points will come from the rewards. Try to collect high rewards, preferable with a x2 or x3 multiplier active.
Every game you play has the same rewards, as shown here to the left. Only, at start of the game, you don't know which reward is where.

There are 6 different groups of rewards, from the not so attractive "0 leaves"  group to the very yummi "4 leaves" group, and of course the shiny rewards.

At each line are always 2 rewards of different groups. Rewards of the same group can also not be next to each other.

If you have e.g. an "Extra Round" reward already revealed and you look for the X2 or X3, you can be sure it is not next to the extra round, and also not opposite of it.
Clockwise order

Rewards are revealed and collected in a clockwise order, starting from the corner at the left-upside of the board. At the picture is a board where one number is matched, it is on a diagonal, so it reveals 3 rewards (one for the horizontal line, one for the vertical line and one for the diagonal).

Rewards are revealed in a clockwise order, thus that is why these 3 are revealed and not the ones opposite to it.

When in the next round the player matches e.g. 24, he will reveal the other reward on the vertical line, the one below it (and the first one, thus to the right of the horizontal line 24 is on)

Collecting rewards goes in the same clockwise order. This is of relevance when a multiplier is involved. The clockwise order determines if your multiplier is already active when a reward is collected or just not yet.

Don't let the above picture about clockwise order scare you. It is nice to know how the things work, but that is about it. You won't often find yourself doubting where to play a wild while keeping the clockwise order into consideration. Clover4 is designed so you can play it fast. And you'll notice below there are some pretty nice aids helping you.

Let's just play a game. That is the best way to learn a new game, by playing it.

I start a game by paying it. As we see above the game, this game pays x2, thus when I win the game I'll get double the amount I paid.

At this particular game machine I can choose to pay either 10, 20, 30 or 40 L$. There are of course many machines with different prices.

I pay the game L$10, this will trigger the game to start, a board will be shown and I can start playing.

The game started with the first of 11 rounds. All numbers on the board still unmatched and no reward visible. The rewards are already linked to the lines on the board, but as a player I cannot see which reward is where.

On the spinner below the board I got 3 matches I can play: The number 2 and two wilds. The wilds can be played at any number in the column above it.

I start with the 2. Perhaps it reveals rewards that are interesting enough to play my wilds on the same line. E.g. the x3 or All wilds.

After playing the 2, that tile on the board is matched, I get 100 points for this. The 2 was on a vertical line, a horizontal line and a diagonal line. Thus it does reveal 3 rewards, one for each line.

If I e.g. during the game manage to complete the entire vertical line then I will get that 5K points.

5K is nice, but not something we are looking for in the beginning of the game. I try to find the multipliers.

Now I will have to choose where to place the wild. Let's start with the leftmost of both. Playing it on a diagonal will again reveal 3 rewards, playing on any other number will reveal only 2 rewards. So, I want to play it on either the 26 or the 17.

17 is the better choice. Not only in Clover4, but in all similar games. It will give us a diagonal with already 2 numbers matched, instead of two diagonals with each one number matched.

Playing the 17 added 150 points to the score, 50 points more than a normal match as the 17 is on the letter pattern.

It did reveal the 7K, which is the second highest reward in the game, but I am eager to find a multiplier first, or the "all wilds".

For the same reasons as I choose 17 to match, I play the other wild on the 64. It reveals 3 rewards, and the horizontal line will have already 2 fields matched.

The 64 did reveal 3 more rewards. Still none of those I hoped to find.

It is worth noticing that the horizontal line on the bottom of the board is interesting for aiming on completing the letter, but much less interesting than it could be, as the rewards I can win when completing that line are only 700 and 2.

I click the spinner to move to the next round. I could also wait, when not making a move for 30 seconds, the game will go to the next round automatically. So I could take some time to think, but I don't see what there is to think right now.

The second round gives 3 matches, a wild, 33 and 67.

Of course I want to make them all 3, but it is best to start with the 33 and 67. They will reveal more rewards, by playing the number matches first, I can take these rewards into consideration when deciding where to place the wild.

Ok, I matched those numbers and got for each match 100 points and nothing truly interesting got revealed.

The logical place to play the wild is again at the diagonal, revealing 3 rewards instead of only 2 and if the one that will be revealed on the diagonal is a good one, then we at least have already 2 fields matched on that line.

Thus I click the 3.

And there we got something worth aiming for, the x3.

When completing this diagonal we will get 50 points (bwehhh) and a x3 (yay!!!). Until further notice it seems a great idea to play wilds on that diagonal.

All there was to do this round is done, so I click the spinner again, moving to the 3rd round.

Watch the text line above the game. At the beginning of each round it shows how many points are still needed to win the game. Currently not too interesting, as it is still a lot. But I wanted to point you at that feature anyways.

This round we got a wild, the 40 and the 68 as matches. Again a wild, yes, Clover4 gives quite a few wilds!

It is easy, the wild should be played on 2, aiming on getting that x3 as soon as I can.

Thus I play 26, 40 and 68 and then click the spinner to move to the next round.

Matching the 40 revealed a very interesting reward: "All Wilds" , it is perhaps hard to read on the picture here to the left, but the highest horizontal line has "All wilds" written on the shiny reward.

All wilds is an awesome reward to win, it gives an extra spinner filled with wilds!!

This round I can match the 55 and another wild. The wild cannot be used on the line containing the x3 but it can be used on the line with the "All Wilds".

A mistake would be to use the wild on 62, to reveal yet another reward. The important rewards are already revealed, it is time to collect them. If or if not  I will reveal those last rewards is not really of any importance.

Thus I play the 55 and the 73, after which I click the spinner to go to the next round.

There is a clover on the spinner. These can be utterly nice near the end of the game, as they add 5% to the score. Or with x3 even 5%x3. But now,  it is only 5% of 1250, bringing the score to a total that might not be your lucky number: 1313.

Let's just play on: This round I got 15 and a wild to match. It is clear I'll play the wild on 41, to further complete the diagonal which will give the x3 reward.

I click 41 and in my excitement of almost having that x3, I click the spinner to go to the next round. I completely overlooked the 15.

Ok, ok, ok...of course I saw the 15, but I missed it to show you something. Everyone sometimes misses a number, sometimes you notice but too late, sometimes you simply never know.

On Clover4 you get a notification when you miss a number. A horrible sound is played to wake you up and a warning is shown "** CAUTION ** Match skipped." 

You might find this annoying, but recognize it as the great help it is. Missing this number, on a vertical line giving 8000 points and on a horizontal line giving an extra round could easily cause me to loose this game.

Everyone, even the best players, misses a number from time to time. But if you notice it happens too often, play with more caution, you'll win more.

Anyways. This round is also good news, I have only one match to make, but that is the match I was waiting for. I play the wild with no hesitation on the 52, completing the line giving me the x3.

Then I double check not to miss another number and click the spinner to go to the next round.

This round is worthless, nothing, no match to make.

I click the spinner to go to the next round.

Hah, another clover. That 5% is only 5%, but it is multiplied by 3 now. But that is not the great news this round. 

Watch the text line that says that taking into consideration the x3, I need 16993 points. Because with the 1800 points I already have, plus 16993x3 gives enough points to beat the 52777.

I can match 9, a wild and 62. That 62 is on a line that will complete, giving the 9K. It might be tempting to play the wild on the 57, then I need only 22 in a next round to have the all wilds.

However, placing it on 46 is the way to go! It completes the diagonal, another 7K points. 7K+9K plus a few points extra from the lower rewards and then another 300 from matching the tiles. I just come a few points short on winning...and there is still 3 rounds and a bonus round to go.

I play 9, 46 and 62 and will see a lot of points floating in...

The next round, still 666 points to go. I am doing good in the magic numbers this game, earlier we had 1313, now 666. What will be next? 69?

This round is boring, nothing to match, but look at my score. It went in one round from 1800 to a whopping 50781. 

Quite sure that whatever happens, I'll win this easily in the bonus round, I click the spinner, to see what the 10th round will bring.

Victory is here, the 29 will give only 702 points (x3) but that is enough to win. Not that I wouldn't have won without it, but I click 29 and ...

...don't go to hasty to the next round. The bonus round.

The bonus round will give a pick out of the 7 highest point rewards I revealed but not matched. It doesn't matter, I won anyways, but of course I can see all rewards still in the game.

The bonus round will be played the highest rewards still visible, thus 6K, 5K, 4K, 3K, 2K, 1K or 500.

Anyways, nice to know, usually I don't bother too much about this. You don't have to:
- The bonus round gives a reward that is high enough to win? TAKE IT.
- The bonus round gives a reward not high enough to win? TAKE ANOTHER.

Of course I already won, thus the bonus round this time only matters because I like to win with a score as high as possible.

This time the bonus round makes it very easy for me. It already selected the highest reward.

If I click one of the question marks I get one of the other rewards available, but I click the 6K, it is the highest reward I can win in the bonus round this time. The 7K and 9K are not available because I already collected these in the main game.

One more thing about the bonus round.... What if there are less than 7 point rewards that are not yet collected? Then you get less than 7 rewards to choose from in the bonus round. But never zero, if it would be zero then you play the bonus round with the 7 highest rewards in the game.

6Kx3 is a nice extra 18000 points.

I end this game with the nice score of 71787.

A lot of 7's, but no 69.

I won this game because I played it smart, not because I was lucky. I made a mistake once, when missing that 15 but I compensated for being the smart-ass that played that wild on that diagonal giving me 7Kx3.

Yeah, well done Morenda, that is what you are thinking. Right?

Here is victory!!!
The game is done, I won. I get my L$20 in winnings and can be happy.

Clover4 is scripted by my husband and I did my part in helping him making the game as good as it is now. Thus true, I am not totally objective when telling you this is the best game SL has ever seen.

That might be also slightly overdone. There are many different games, each is attractive to other players. Clover4 challenges you to play strategically, to aim for the best lines and when you got an opportunity to win, to take it.

Luck can be of some help too, but only a help, playing wise is the true key to success. When you are good at Clover4, it is because you play good, not because you are lucky.

Give Clover4 a try. You'll either love it or hate it.

And let's face it, you did read this entire manual all the way upto the end. You are the more serious sort of player who does things others would not even think off, things as reading manuals. I think you'll love this game.

Where to play?

Click a link to teleport directly to the Clover4 game machines.

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